Azrael the Moon Slayer

' ' Hear the lullaby? Rest in pieces. ' '

Personal Information

Information regarding the personal aspects of the character such as relationships, personality, and so forth.

Powers, Weapons & Abilities

Information regarding Alice's wide range of weapons, powers & abilities. More will eventually be added onto this tab. Be prepared.


Information regarding the background of the character such as biography and so forth.

Personal Information

『 Name 』
Alice Shaibuya Glory
『 Name Meaning 』
Laid back nobility basking in Glory.
『 Name Origin 』
English & Japanese
『 Other Names 』
『 Gender 』Female『 Titles 』
Mother Death
Angel of Death
Tiger of Hakai
Six Winged Seraph
Hero for Someone’s Sake
Modern Galatea
White Death(Certain Tribal Cultures)
The Beast of Calamity(Certain Tribal Cultures)
『 Age 』230+ Million years(decided to stop counting.)『 Birth Date 』
May 30th, 130000+ BCE.
『 Description 』Alice is a 5'4 Caucasian white female with snow white hair, sapphire blue eyes, a light color pigment within the skin and a snub nose. Under her right eye there in a small wisdom mark signifying the mark of wisdom or coming into ruler ship through obtaining power in the age of the gods. Hers has yet to mature. She adorns black leather gloves with metal stubs on each knuckle and a strap with a metal button. She wears a royal blue shirt with a black tank overtop. Around her neck is a bottle that contains a mysterious substance that allows her to counter the effects of the dark bring; final story which is placed inside the jaw of the skull on her center belt. 3 belts lay around her waist in a nebula formation. She wears jeans with chains on either side that connect to the belts. Her boots have several buckles, and are garnished with a metal heel for combat purposes. Lastly she wears a white trenchcoat with royal blue fur on the cuffs, sides, and bottom.『 Height 』
『 Weight 』
. . .
『 Species 』
『 Race 』
『 Blood Type 』
『 Voice Actors 』
English: Angelina Jolie
JPN: Nao Takamori
『 Personality 』
Alice is a being of a benevolent nature. Honest, wise, loyal, kind, generous, strong and brave, she’s often called ‘ embodiment of all that is good ‘ or ‘ symbol of hope ‘ throughout the many she meets. Never turning down a request for help despite the possible consequences of her actions.
Yet this kind and gentle nature holds a ruthless side to her.Once the opportunity of combat presents itself, the female's personality flips on a dime. Becoming a sadistic, blood thirsty thrill junkie who finds unadulterated joy in the art of killing. Taking her time to envoke fear through various different tactics ranging from psychological warfare, torture and so forth. She takes pride in her power, never taking a fight seriously unless pushed to the edge.A patron of the arts, Alice was also known for bringing forth the Golden Age of her world. Notorious for her amazing artistic talents, she loves to create new things that bring vibrance and color to the world. However, for something like singing; she is very shy and closeted about it.She is humble about her talents and features. If one were to call her ‘ beautiful ‘ she would try to avoid the topic or say a pessimistic remark degrading her appearance/bolstering the others. Even if she is an attractive woman in the eyes of others, she has a broken psyche that she will never be beautiful in the words of her mother.Her mentality had been broken down into the fact that she will never equate to anything whether it’d be marriage, intelligence or even friendships. From years of verbal and physical abuse, she has developed an inferiority complex. That she ‘ will never be good enough ‘.Through the trauma of losing one of the only three people that ever cared about her she became obsessed with becoming stronger. To the point that she doesn’t care about how strength is obtained. She is always looking for new ways to get stronger and protect those who matter most to her. An endless pursuit of power that would last to infinity out of the fear of losing someone precious to them.Once you’ve become close to her, you’ve become someone she would be willing to lay down her life for or possibly go all out in a fight for.As a romantic partner, she is devoted and loyal. Doing everything she can to ensure the happiness and safety of those who she loves. She does her best to spoil her partner and tend to their every need. Their sadness is her sadness, their happiness is her happiness and their battles become hers. She provides wisdom and aid in any form or fashion she can. In other words, she loves her partner unconditionally. Though at a partner that does not share her eternal lifespan, she is plagued at the thought of them dying before her constantly.

『 Relationships 』Mother:
~ Muise Glory †
~ Gale Glory †
~ Levin Glory ( Older Brother ) †
~ Fiora Glory ( Younger Sister ) †
~ Unnamed Siblings †
~ Vincent Glory ( Younger Brother ) †
~ Chris Richardson ( Surrogate Son )
~ Shigure Tokugawa ( Surrogate Son )
~ Altina Orion ( Surrogate Daughter )
~ Shinryu Glory ( Surrogate Son )
~ Aquari-Onna
~ Apollon Glory †
Best Friend:
~ Yuusei Mistunari
Close Friends:
~ Kanra Musica
~ Ryuki Dahaka
~ Felix R. Stine
~ Zenrus
~ Ishiku Watanabe
~ Amour Army
~ Cult of Articus (Unknowingly)
~ Priests, Priestesses and those dedicated to the worship of Zenrus.
~ Yuusei Mistunari
~ Scylia
~ Johnny Blackwood
~ Stella Prevette
~ Vincenzo Lafleur
~ Julius Valentine
~ Sudryal Amhrosine
~ Reinhardt Morgrim
~ Trainer Cheren
~ Goetia ( Formerly )
~ Alice Prime ( Current )
~ Levin Glory ( Current )
~ Zuthura ( Current )
~ Cult of The Horsemen ( Current )
~ Arlon the Infinite ( Unknowingly ) ( Current )
~ Gale Glory
~ Gale Glory †
~ Lucia Raregroove †?
Differs per verse. List of ships on pinned.

【❄️】Story Information & Likes/Dislikes【❄️】『 Archetype 』
『 Morality 』
True Neutral
『 Alignment 』
Chaotic Neutral
【❄️】Preferences【❄️】『 Likes 』
~ Food
~ Animals
~ Being Clean
~ Sleep
~ Flowers
~ Cooking
~ Reading
~ Fighting Strong Opponents
『 Dislikes 』
~ Rude, Vulgar people
~ Frogs
~ Bad Food
~ Levin
~ Fire
~ Dragons or their halfkin (Formerly)
~ Being called weak
~ Centipedes
~ Dirt or being dirty

Powers, Weapons & Abilities

Information regarding Alice's vast abilties.

Powers, Weaknesses & Abilities

『 Abilities 』Clairvoyance
Alice is able to gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and allows them to hear things at distances.
Alice can sense/see/hear spiritual/psychic beings and other person's presence and perceive emotions, thoughts and memories of others. Some users can project themselves onto the spiritual world.Techniques
~Dream Scrying: to dream actual ongoing far-off events.
~Psychic Navigation: to locate people/objects or create a mental map of an area.
~Shared Vision: to view another user of clairvoyance sight.
~Visual Linking: to link one's vision to others.
Water magic
Alice can create, shape and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to other. Alice often uses water as a method to heal herself.
Sound Manipulation
Alice can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. As a result, she can freely manipulate how people perceive something sounds and even harm them with it(e.i. Thunderclap, nails on a chalk board, ecetra.) even to the point where someone hears something else entirely.
TechnomancyOne of Alice’s abilities is being capable of using magic to affect or replicate technology. Alice is able to communicate with technological entities, using their own body as a conduit to technology and casting spells and enchantments that result in some sort of cyber-related effect.Air magic
Alice can create, shape and manipulate air, doing so, she can create twisters, run faster, remove oxygen, fly, ecetra.
Nether Magic
Alice can create, shape and manipulate Nether, Using such can result in the annihilation of any material, substance, person, place or thing. It requires a lot of focus for her to use even a sliver of Nether/Zenith. As well as a state of calm.
Crystal Magic
Alice can use magic with crystals, using her for various magical purposes like heal wounds, summon entities, creating a contract, impose/break seals, etc.
Alice can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into crystal.
Plant Manipulation
Alice can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. Alice can also can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants. Alice using this is able to cause flora to bloom, as well as create plant related medicines and foods such as herbs, cotton and so forth.
One of Alice’s magical abilities revolves around manipulating the dead, death, the death-force and/or souls for good (i.e., resurrecting the dead), evil (in various ways) or neither. As it comes naturally with being the Angel of Death. Alice can also communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. But unfortunately it doesn’t work with someone who shares her DNA. Even if she does, it has a pet semetary effect.
Illusion Manipulation
Alice can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are
Poison/Toxic/Acidic Magic
Alice can create and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances. Often using them to kill or assassinate someone. Her most commonly used toxins are the Batrachotoxin found in poison dart frogs, black mamba venom, VX and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin(Agent Orange).
Time magic
Alice can manipulate the time in general area or a specific target in various manners, the basics revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping and even rewinding or looping.
Space magic
She can create, shape and manipulate physical aspects of space within an area of ones choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. They can trap subjects or objects in space and push that space, throwing subject and object away from them or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around.
Weather magic
She can create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. There’s no limitations to how or where she’s able to use this ability isn’t restricted by circumstance that she’s placed in.
Ice/Snow/Frost magic
Alice can create, shape and manipulate ice, ranging from stalagmites, slush, blizzards, ecetra. This ability can also be used to generate cold air in general. Alice is able to generate ice so cold it bursts into flames, equal to touching dry ice without gloves in high quantities.
Electricity Magic
Alice can create electricity. Doing so she can power machines, electrocute people, animals and so forth. As well as create thunderstorms
Electromagnetism magic
Alice can create electromagnetism, using it like a magnet to draw forth or push away people, objects and even buildings.
Gravity Magic
Alice can create a gravitational, a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other, and gravition, hypothetical elementary particles that mediate the force of gravitation.
Alice can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth. This is often used as a hazard to prevent people from moving when she attacks them.Transformation:
Her physical shape shifts from it's two legged shape to form the figures of a Tiger, Arctic Fox, Orca, Harp Seal, Pheonix(Ice), Snowy Owl, Swallowtail Emperor Butterfly and a Giant Desert Scorpion. She is freely able to control when she is and isn't in these transformations.
Cryokinetic Regeneration
Alice can use ice to regenerate her body. Not much to be said.
Anti-Existence Erasure
Alice's existence is incapable of being erased due to Arsheras influence. Denying her the liberty of knowing non-existence. This is a factor that stems from Final Story reversing Endlesses reality ending nature and focusing it into her. Allowing for it to be nearly impossible to eliminate her by such means. This being said it is still entirely possible to eliminate her through different means that bypass it such as omnipotent wish granting devices or fire.
Coming with the territory of governing death, Alice is nearly impossible to kill unless guided under specific circumstances regarding her weaknesses. As long as people are dying, she, as a concept will continue to exist. Despite this fire is an easy counter like any reasonable way to deal with an undead entity.
Chaos Energy Manipulation
After being imprisoned for 5 years by a man known as Arlon the Creator, Alice was subjected to horrific gene splicing experiments to give her an aptitude to use something known as Chaos Energy. It is an unstable, yet powerful mystical energy that each Chaos Emerald and the Master Emerald generates by turning thoughts into power.
This energy can be used for super transformation, to perform Chaos Control and various other chaos powers, or as a power source for machines. This power can be controlled by the Master Emerald, if requested or commanded by its guardian.

『 Martial Arts 』
The use of multiple martial arts in the form of close quarters combat. Multiple forms of combat have been studied and mastered.
~Kung Fu(Tiger, Mantis and Crane style.)
~Kick Boxing
Her fighting style is best described as a sort of dancing motion. Consisting of spins, kicks, grips and punches. But most of her techniques follow the logic of the following combat styles.『 Immunities 』Lightning
The character is immune to lightning as her body serves as a lightning rod.
Stated in strengths.
『 Resistances 』Lightning
As stated above.
As stated below.
『 Strengths 』Lightning
Alice is basically a lightning rod with her metallic bone structure.
Alice is highly resistant to any water related arts. Due to her genetic connection with water.
『 Weaknesses 』Fire
Being burnt or touched by fire scares her off or even fatally wounds her.
Being struck by multiple pillars of rock can lead to the character knocking out or even dying.
Naturally weak to any flame related arts. She succumbs to the heat and perishes.
The Moon
Her body is physically sustained by moonlight. Without moonlight or the moon itself, her body succumbs to the effects of aging and she slowly dies off. This doesn't work in sunlight, it just works for when the moon is no longer there. Upon an Eclipse or a Blood Moon, she is reduced to a mere human.
People With Ludicrous Physical Strength
This character can not take a hit so if she does, something is bound to break.
Human Emotion
Emotion often gets the better of her, so she often gets betrayed by the person she saved.
Human Weakness
She's physically prone to dying to most things that'd kill a human.
Easily succumbs to dehydration under intense heat, perishes soon afterwards.
『 Futalities 』
『 Restrictions 』
~Has to conceal large amounts of power.
~ Cannot generate ice in heat.
~ Gets dehydrated in extreme heat.
~ Magic is weaker during the day.
~ Limited by stamina.
~Eclipses and effects on the moon, her magical output drastically relies on moonlight.
~ Alices illusions are limited to things shes seen in terms of monsters. In terms of events, she can only allow people to witness events she's seen. Whether from others perspectives through clairvoyance her own.

Weapons & Equipment

Avalon Armor

The arrival to a new world brought forth the need to protect it. From the Chaos of the Holy Grail War and the destruction of Goetia, Alice had found herself joining the frey. As the grails mud decimated her home, she used her magic in a quick burst to escape certain death at the cost of being severaly damaged. Through the fury of the flames, she found herself unable to heal. Thinking it was the end, a young knight with blonde hair and green eyes rescued her. Feeding her and restoring her energy, she was gifted a special set of armor that heals her instantly and protects her against damage.The defeat of Goetia caused her to vanish for two years. The Armor damaged, it was found by one of her familiars and brought to the Stellar Memory.The Avalon Armor was created by the Legendary Hero turned Blacksmith, Arthur Pendragon. Forged through fire by the best Blacksmiths in Amour, it blends Eastern and Western cultures in terms of design.Through the new design, forged new abilities. Harnessing the energy of Stellar Memory, the Avalon Armor is the Ultimate Defensive Armor. Specializing in Barriers, Summoning Familiars, Telepathy, Healing and Magical Immunities against Blades and Magecraft at a B+ rank or under. This Armor also allows Alice to make communicators in the form of doves.Depending on how much death is occuring depends on the effectiveness of the abilities.However, these abilities only work on those who dawn the armor. Thus if not equip, then it does not work.

Angelus Custos

Angelus Custos is a artificial Divine Instruments. Translating to ' Guardian Angel ' in latin, it appears as a mere cufflet upon first glance. However a blade extends upon the users command when activated. Simple yes? Well, the blades themselves are capable of generating a thin layer of raw energy that can slice titanium alloy steel on contact. Fused with her dna, the energy effects those who don't share her genetics. This was made by the 4th generation Musica Blacksmith: Kanra.

Final Story


The main powers of this Dark Bring is resurrection, allowing the user to heal herself from seemingly grievous wounds or to call up living or non-living things that have been destroyed. She can also use it to control plants by filling them with life, restoring enemies' past wounds, and also to rebuild buildings and ruins that have been destroyed. A common drawback is that the user has to have enough energy to use its powers, much like overexertion of magic or Rave.This Dark Bring was originally in her mothers possession. It was supposedly the reason her life had been as awful was it was.


A blade that shines brilliantly like the moon. It is said to cut through the fabric of time and space itself. It’s secondary uses are creating black holes and new dimensions. The sheathe itself is indestructible, not even those who can cut which cannot be cut may break it. Tsukuyomi only responds to Alice’s touch. Otherwise it appears as a rusty old sword. The weapon is a Katana, the fighting style is Bikenjutsu.

Nyx & Styx

Gunscythes that harness raw moonlight to fire lazers and elemental bullets(Ice, Electricty, Fire) The blades upon the scythes have the effect of negating healing. However, if the user is cut with the blade, it applies to them also.


A divine instrument gifted after the defeat of Wrath, this whip is Alice’s fourth divine instrument. Taking note from animal tamers in circus’s, this divine instrument allows Alice to control spirits of deceased creatures, using them to curate attacks between the whip itself and the spectral enforcers birthed by its use.

Smart Phone

A smart phone obtained from Nanashi. It serves as Alice's method of protection in the SMT verse as she is unable to make the most out of her abilities in the apocalyptic hell scape. Using a built in app, Alice is allowed to use its capabilities to forge contracts with demons.Despite this though, she has yet to actually do so. Perhaps its a lack of confidence, or perhaps something else that hinders her progress.


The ARCUS II was gifted to Alice by Altina Orion, a girl very close to her. Mostly to communicate when out of reach. ARCUS, an abbreviation for All-Round Communication & Unison System, newly-made fifth-generation battle orbment developed by the Epstein Foundation in collaboration with the Reinford Group. Each unit has a built-in communications functionality. It's defining feature is the ability to link up with a partner to greatly enhance combat ability.However, Alice does not know how to use any of its combat functions.


After an exchange with DIO, Alice managed to obtain the arrow after gifting him a Dark Bring. With the arrow, Alice is capable of giving other people stands depending on their fighting spirit. The stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the stand.Every once and awhile DIO will want his arrow back, but usually it will be returned. Seems this arrow is of great value to him.

POKEDEX (Sinnoh Ver.)

A pokedex gifted to Alice by professor Juniper after she collaborated with Professor Rowan of the Sinnoh Region. You were entrusted by both professors to attempt to complete it by catching all 898+ pokemon to register new entries.


After being stabbed my the Stand Arrow, Alice's resolve was enough to manifest a stand. This stand was known as Reign of Terror.It is a stand that specializes in mental attacks. Upon making eye contact with the stand itself, the user is send into a trance in which they are trapped in a setting where they are subjected to their deepest, darkest and most personal fears. As they cope with their inner demons, they are subjected to either:~ Attempting to kill those around them in a group setting.
~ Kill themselves out of fear.
This stand is contagious, but can only be spread to non-stand users via a stand user. However Alice is able to infect herself and due to already being subjected to countless fears and overcoming them, she is capable of being immune to the negative effects of her own stand.It is tedious to deal with, but. . .STATS:
It relies on ranged combat opposed to melee combat. It cannot perform CQC. . .yet.


A Materia gifted to her by Cloud when he’d visited her at Cats Eye for drinks. It was the beginning of her friendship. Exposing her weakness to Cloud, he offered her the Materia before packing up and leaving. The I e summon is rarely used. But it summons a frosty maiden who freezes enemies with bitter cold for brief moments in time.
